

Sundara Kanda: Lord Hanuman's journey to Lanka

रामयण तत्वम्
Dr. Ram Kosuru

मनोजवम् मारुततुल्यवेगम् जितेन्द्रियम् बुद्धिमताम् वरिष्टम् |
वातात्मजम् वानर यूथ मुख्यम् श्रीराम दूतं शीरसा नमामि   ||

This post is a continuation of this earlier item on this topic.  Lord Hanuman did not know own strength and is hesitant to cross the ocean. The Intellect does not know its own capacity and becomes subservient to mind and senses. The elder Jambavan and others remind him of his strength and encourage him on his task. Lord Hanuman once reminded of his strength and in order to fulfill his task of finding mother Seeta goes to the mountain Mahendra Giri on the way to Trikuta Parvata crossing a salty ocean.

A seeker who wants to find grace has to control senses; thus Lord Hanuman goes to summit of Mahendra Giri: Mahendra represents Indriyas (senses). Lord Hanuman controlled his senses - he flew from top of mountain; and then only he could begin his journey. For a seeker the journey begins with self-purification. The Lord flies from Mahendra Giri to Trikuta Parvata.

Here Trikuta mountain (कूट: dwelling; त्रिकूट पर्वतम् symbolizes the three meta-attributes gunas: Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. Lord Krishna has much to say about these in the Bhagavad Geeta. A seeker needs to confront Rajas and Tamas. This journey is difficult as we can see in Sargas 1-3 of Sundara Kanda. There are many tests he needs to pass. 

First of all, Lord Hanuman needs to cross the salty ocean (लवण अम्भस).
 लवण: लुञ्च् to cut or to act against छेदने
लूनातिवातम् झाढ्यम् वा लवण: वातम् = air Salt is that which cuts down air.
Lord Hanuman is said to son of vayu (air) and the salt is opposing force of air. Hence during the journey the air (spiritual growth) is constantly fighting a battle with salt (passion).

Friendly forces want to test him: such as Mainaka mountain and Nagini Surasa. Tests increase in complexity. The test posed by the mountain is easy one: Lord Hanuman is offered rest and nothing else. He refuses as he is firmly focused on the task at hand. The Nagini Surasa tests him a bit and still it is friendly, but it is bit more difficult test. The mountain is encouraged by the ocean (Sagara) to offer the Lord some rest. The devas want to test the lord how strong he is and ask Nagini Surasa to test him. Lord Hanuman has to enter her mouth and safely come out. Lesson here is that in spiritual pursuit (or in secular pursuits) not all tests are from unfriendly forces. One needs to confront friendly obstacles as well. The devas, ascetics, siddhas and gandharvas say to Suarasa "विघ्गमाचर"
ततो देवाः सगन्धर्वाः सिद्धाश्च परमर्षयः
 अब्रुवन् सुरसां नागमातरम् 

अयं वातात्मजः श्रीमान् प्लवते सागरोपरि 
हनूमान् नाम तस्य त्वम् मुहूर्तं विघ्गमाचर

The next test is more difficult: The being Simihika -unfriendly force- wants to capture him and eat him. Lord Hanuman has to fight this force to make further progress. This test is of different variety than the previous tests.  Simham connotes a ferocious,  swift quality in attacking opponents. If correct understanding and focus are not there, one is not likely make progress in the pursuit. She seizes him by shadow. 
सा च्छायामास्य समाक्षिपत्  

Your past actions and memories can sometimes come in the way of seeking grace. This is indicated by "holding by shadow." Lord Hanuman has to overcome this obstacle as well using advice from king of monkeys (this is again "good" memory: कपिराज्ञा यथाख्यातं)

In Bhagvad-Geeta (Chapter 2), Lord Krishna says that even when one controls senses by feeding appropriate things or non-feeding, memory essence remains (रसवर्जं).This essence goes only when the grace is seen.The shadow (च्छाया) is  what remains (वर्जं).
विषया विनिवर्तन्ते निराहारस्य देहिनः ।
रसवर्जं रसोऽप्यस्य परं दृष्वा निवर्तते ॥

Sundara Kanda could be summarized as an attempt by intellect
  1. to find divine grace intuitively after overcoming obstacles; Mother Seeta is found under Simsapa tree (संसुप्त: sleeping).  सुप्त also means latent or potential. all the fights are internal fights by mind and intellect, and later Jeevatma is engaged in the fight (Lord Ram). 
  2. to understand strength of the Rajas after finding mother Seeta (divine grace). This is the reason why Lord Hanuman fights with Akshya Kumar and Indrajit. 

पञ्च सेनाग्रगान् हत्वा सप्त मन्त्रिसुतनापि

शूरमक्षं च निक्षिप्य ग्रहणं समुपागमत्

    Lord Hanuman fights five generals and seven children of ministers. He fights Aksha kumar and was  bound. Here five generals indicate five senses. A seeker has to control the senses to make any progress spiritual or secular. The seven sons of minister correspond to the effect of five senses on the mind + effect of वृत्ति (thoughts or substratum of thoughts) on the mind and intellect. The warrior Aksha has to be fought: he is said to be very young, fast, ferocious. He can't be decayed. Hence this fight is very difficult. The rajasic nature in us would employ all kinds of tricks to block the spiritual progress. Indrajit employs the most powerful weapon ब्रह्मास्त्र to subdue Lord Hanuman.

He wants to see mighty king Ravana and is bound by Indrajit. Prince Vibhishan wants to spare him while the King wants to kill the messenger.  He befriends the Sattvic guna and torches houses of the King (Rajas) and Kumbhakarna (Tamas). Intellect is awake now and is primed to fight.