

Morning Prayer based on Upanisads from Teacher Sri Adi Sankara

Morning prayer
अादि शंकराचार्य रचितम्

प्रातः स्मरामि हृदि संस्फुरत् अात्मतत्वं
 सत्चित् सुखं परमहंस गतिं तुरीयम् ।
यत् स्वप्न जागर सुषुप्ति नित्यं
तद् ब्रह्म निष्कलमहं न च भूतसंड्गः ॥

the above is first of three hymns you should learn and chant in the morning when possible.

It summarises Mandukya upanishad. This body is assembly of parts. This is not you. You are not your awareness जागर when it is self centered. Neither  is dream state or sleep state. When you can truly see yourself in others from an ant to Brahma  and live as a साक्षि you would transcend this  reality (it is like a dusty mirror) realize your true nature तुरीयं

प्रातः भजामि मनसा वचसामगम्यम्
वाचो विभान्ति निखिला यदनुग्रहेण 
यं नेति नेति वचनै निगमा अवोचुः
तं देव देवं अजम् अच्युतं आहुरग्र्यम्

This verse summarizes Brihad Aranyaka Upanisad:
I salute deity देवं who is beyond mind, speech. By grace, and knowledge diety is illumined. Veda says not this not this नेति नेति in reaching It that is Substratum. That देव is unborn, truth, first, infinite.
ॐ तत् सत्

प्रातः नमामि तमसः परमर्कवर्णम्
पूर्णं सनातनपदं पुरुषोत्तमाख्यम् ।
यस्मिन्निदम् जगदशेषमशेष मूर्तौ
रज्जवाभुजङमिव प्रतिभासितम् वै ॥

The sunlight removes darkness. That deity, who is complete, ever present beyond time, first among all beings is being worshipped. Sri Sankara says if you can realize that you and deity one and the same. But it appears that they are different just like a rope appears as a snake. On proper realization and understanding there is no snake just a superimposition due to misunderstanding.