

Sri Rudram: 8th, 9th and 10th Anuvaaka रुद्रप्रश्न Namakam

                                8th anuvaaka

नमः सोमाय च रुद्राय च

Rudra is benign when he is with Uma (सोम=उमा सहित). सोम could also mean moon. Linga Mahapurana says that Soma (सोम) is material cause of the universe.  Vedic scholars believed that moon with his cool rays enables growth of plants. At end of creation HE takes fierce form to dissolve the creation in his रुद्र form.
Uma : re-arrangement of AUM with emphasis on creation; here U (उ0 indicates womb of creation.

नमः ताम्राय च अरुणाय च
References could be to colors: things that are in color copper (ताम्र) and in color red (अरुण). Another meaning is he is both darkness (ताम्र) and light (as in dawn अरुण). Devotee makes salutations to those Rudras with these attributes.

नमः शंगाय च पशुपतये च
He is provider of शं (bliss or tranquility) An animal is unpredictable showing the lower nature and he is lord of those as well.

नम उग्राय भीमाय च
Rudra who is angry and dreadful look at devotee’s transgressions. The transgressions impede spiritual development of the devotee. So this anger is ultimately beneficial to the devotee. Devotee praises the Rudras.

नम अग्रेवधाय च दूरेवधाय च
Rudras as inhibitors of tendencies that are apparent and those are that are hidden. Rudras as slayers of near and far are to be saluted.

नमो हन्त्रे च हनीयसे च
हन्तृ slayer हन्त्रे 4th case to the slayer हनीयस् one who is destructive ; Rudra with these attributes is being saluted

नमो वृक्षेभ्यो हरिकेशेभ्यो
To those Rudras who are present in trees and in green leaves, devotee offers saluations.

नमः ताराय नमः शंभवे च मयोभवे च
Rudra as provider of 8 siddhis is to be saluted. Rudra as provider of bliss (beyond पर) and provider of enjoyment (अपर) is to be saluted.

नमः शंकराय च मयस्कराय च
शंकराय: to the provider of शं tranquility. मयस् earthly pleasure. Rudras as provider eternal bliss and earthly pleasures are being saluted.

नमः शिवाय च शिवतराय च
To Rudra who provides eternal bliss and who is beyond the bliss, devotee offers salutations.

नमः तीर्थ्याय च कूल्याय च
Rudras are said to be present at holy pilgrimages are being saluted. Rudras at river banks are being saluted.

नमः पार्याय च अवर्याय च
In our scriptures, spiritual evolution is compared to crossing of a river from one bank of the river to the other bank/side. पार्य and अवर्य refer to these banks. Rudras are present on either bank and they being saluted.

नमः प्रतरणाय च उत्तरणाय च
प्रतरण wanting to cross a water/ocean; उत्तरण crossing a river/ocean
To Rudra who enables one to cross the ocean of spiritual ignorance, devotee makes salutations.

नम आतार्याय च आलाद्याय च
आतार्याय  to the one who gives birth giving a new chance to the devotee to conquer vaasanas. आलाद्याय from root word लाड् meaning throwing or playing. Lord plays with the devotee who reaps benefits of his/her own actions. To such Rudra, devotee offers salutations.

नमः शष्प्याय च फेन्याय च
Salutations to Rudras who are in tender grass and are in foam, When water flows to a bank of river there is foam in it. Rudras are present in the foam.

नमः सिकत्याय च प्रवाह्याय च
सिकत्याय To those Rudras as present in sand banks of a river or a ocean, devotee offers salutations. प्रवाह्याय To Rudras present in flowing water, devotee offers  salutations. 

                                  9th Anuvaaka
#################################################                  सदाशिव समारम्भम् शन्कराचार्य मध्यमम् |
                 अस्मद् आचार्य पर्यन्तम् वन्दे गुरु परम्परम् ||

नम इरिण्याय  प्रपथ्याय 
इरिण्य: desert पथ्य one meaning is plant another being on road. प्रपथ्या could also mean water course. Rudra in the form of a “desert” and in the form of a “water way” or among plants is being saluted.
नमः किँशिलाय  क्षयणाय 
किंशिल having small stones; क्षयण dispersing or slowly decreasing
Rudra in the form of stones and that form that makes the stones decay is being saluted.
नमः कपर्दिने  पुलस्तये 
Rudra who has matted locks कपर्दिने and Rudra who has smooth hair are being saluted
                              नमो गोष्ठ्याय गृह्याय 
गोष्ठ्य  in cow-stable or among animals गृह्य relating to houses (domesticated animals)
Rudras are ever present among cows and animals; Rudras are present among domesticated animals . Those Rudras are being saluted.
नमः तल्प्याय  गेह्याय 
तल्प्य related to a bed (or a place slightly above the surroundings)
गेह्य domestic
Rudras are present among beds (special places to sit and sleep; these are elevated normally ) and among other domestic objects. Those Rudras are being saluted.
नमः काट्याय  गह्वरेष्ठाय 
काट्य Rudras are present in holes; गह्वरेष्ठाय those Rudras present in the lowest depths
Rudras are being saluted that are presented in lowest depths and in holes
नमः ह्रदय्याय  निवेष्प्याय 
निवेष्प्य resting ह्रदय्य having to do with heart
Rudras are present in the hearts of beings and resting in the beings. Those Rudras are being saluted.
नमः पाँसव्याय  रजस्याय 
पांसव related to dust रजस्य that scatters like a dust
Rudras are in dust or in objects that scatter like dust. Those Rudras are being saluted
नमः शुष्क्याय  हरित्याय 
शुष्क dry or barren हरित green/red/vegetation
Rudras are present in barren fields that are dry and among those that are green with vegetation. Those Rudras are being saluted.
नमो लोप्याय च उलप्याय च
Rudras are present in inaccessible places and among grassy places. Devotee salutes those Rudras.
नम ऊर्व्याय च सूर्म्याय च
HE is present in (distant) lakes (ऊर्व्य) and in water channels (सूर्म्य). Those Rudras are being saluted.
नमः पर्णाय च पर्णशद्याय च
HE is in green leaves (पर्ण) and in trees
नमोऽपगुरमाणाय च अभिघ्नते च

अपगुरमाणाय to the one who provides light by punishing sin
अभिघ्न one who strikes/destroys sin or vasana with weapons

नम आख्खिदते च प्रख्खिदते च
Salutations to the one who strikes a little and the one who strikes (presses) a lot

नमो वः किरिकेभ्यो देवानाँ ह्रदयोभ्यो
Salutations to the one who is luminous (किरिक) and the one who lives in the hearts of heavenly beings

नमो विक्षीणकेभ्यो नमो आनिहतेभ्यो नम आमीवत्केभ्यः
Salutations to the one who afflicts in different ways that causes decay क्षीण
Salutations to the one who is limitless and can’t be beaten (आनिहत). The fourth chakra in Kundalini is called anaahat (अनाहत) and this is where the notion of Yagna comes in with association of sound यं.
Salutations to the one who is very strong and can punish anyone (आमीवत्)

                 10 th Anuvaaka

                          सदाशिव समारम्भम् शन्कराचार्य मध्यमम् |
                          अस्मद् आचार्य पर्यन्तम् वन्दे गुरु परम्परम् ||
Summary: This section (10th Anuvaaka) sees the devotee pleading with Lord for protection for himself, his family, his village. Devotee further asks that the weapons be directed against others (his sins) and against not himself. These "others" refer to tendencies (वासन) that are not conducive to spiritual development. 
द्रापे अन्धसस्पते दरिद्रत् नीललोहित
एषाम् पुरुषाणाम् एषाम् पशूनाम् मा भेः मो एषाम्  माऽरो किंचनाम् आममत्
द्राप heaven (द्रापे   in heaven 7th case)
अन्धसस्पते (अन्धस: + पति = अन्धसस्पति अन्धसस्पते is vocative case) you are lord of अन्धस: (6th case for अन्ध spiritually ignorant; also means water that produces food)
दरिद्रत् poor (or one who does not need anything)
नीललोहित The one with blue neck and reddish complexion
एषाम् पुरुषाणाम् these men
एषाम् पशूनाम्  these animals
भेः from root word भिद् split or divide
आममत् indifference
किंचनाम् a little bit of (sixth case)
माऽरो kill or let them perish
O Blue Necked one with reddish complexion who is in heaven; O lord of spiritually ignorant ones; O Lord who does not need anything, please do not show indifference to our men and to our animals. Please let them not perish.

या ते रुद्र शिवा तनूः शिवा विश्वाहभेषजी
शिवा रुद्रस्य भेषजी तया नो मृड जीवसे
  विश्वाह   विश्व अह all days
भेषजी healing (adjective from nominal भिषज् physician)
जीवसे (जीवस 7th case)
तनूः  manifestation
 रुद्र Rudra (anger manifestation)
 शिवा auspicious (feminine benign manifestation)
Devotee is aware that Rudra has two manifestations: one benign and one angry. Ultimately both are healing towards devotee. Both manifestations cultivate happiness in us (Jivas) for all days (forever).

इमाँ रुद्राय तवसे कपर्दिने क्षयद्वीराय प्रभरामहे मतिम्
यथानः शमसद्विपदे चतुष्पदे विश्वं पुष्टं ग्रामे अस्मिन्ननातुरम्
तवस strong
प्रभरामहे (from root भृ nourish or grow or fill with affix प्र=प्रभृ) we nourish or grow
इमाँ रुद्राय to this Rudra
मतिम् prayer or opinion
क्षयद्वीराय decay of warriors (opposing warriors)
शमसत् existence of peace or tranquility
द्विपदे चतुष्पदे  to humans and animals
अनातुरम् (आतुर sickness;  अनातुर healthy)
अस्मिन् on this (in this)
ग्रामे in village 
यथानः as it appears (it is)
O strong Kapardina who decays strength of warriors, we pray to Rudra so that we be nourished. Let there be tranquility in our world, village. Let humans and animals be strong and they get not sick.

मृडा नो रुद्रोत नो मयस्कृधि क्षयद्वीराय नमसा विधेम ते
यच्छं च योश्च मनुरायजे पिता तदश्याम तव रुद्र प्रणीतौ
यच्छं च योश्च  (यः शं च योः च) May there be peace and welfare; Vedic saying
नमसा विधेम (namas neuter 3rd  case नमसा) by salutations
विधेम I or we submit  
मयस्कृधि मयः  (injuring or hurting) कृध् (shortened) 
क्षयद्वीराय decayed warriors
 मनुरायजे पिता our forefather Manu who is successful
तदश्याम = तत्+अश्याम= that light (non-darkness)
प्रणीतौ प्रणी guidance
O Rudra, by our obedient salutations give us happiness. Let our injuries be short. Let  effects of our sins be decayed (or opposing warriors be decayed). Our forefather Manu was successful (by worshipping you). Similarly guide us and show us light.

मा नो महान्तम् मा नो अर्भकं मा न उक्षन्तं उत मा न उक्षितम्
मा नोऽवधीः पितरं मोत मातरं प्रिया मा नस्तनुवो रुद्र रीरिषः
मा do not
नो our or ours
महान्त great person
अर्भक  person who is small or of no significance
उक्षन् who is in prime or youth
उक्षित who is grown (house holder)
अवधीः you killed (root word is हन्; past tense second person single)
पितरं  father
प्रिया  मातरं dear mother
रीरिषः root word is री (to injure) desiderative रीरिषति wanting to injure रीरिषः one who wants to injure or one who wants to howl or one who shows rajasic nature in destroying
O Rudra who wants to injure, please do not injure or kill our dear father, mother, householders, youth, infants or children.
मानस्तोके तनये मा न आयुषि मा नो गोषु मा नो अश्वेषु रीरिषः
तोक child or offspring of an animal
तनये 7th case तनय child
आयुषि  7th case आयुष्
गोषु  अश्वेषु  horses and cows (animals) both 7th case
रीरिषः one who wants to injure 
मा do not
नो our or ours
Please do not cause injuries on our animals, our children, and our men.
वीरान्मा नो रुद्र भामितो अवधीः हविष्मन्तो नमसा विधेम ते
भामिन् radiant or shining
वीरात् manliness
नो ours 
मा do not
अवधीः he killed (past tense for हन् second person single)
हविष्मन्तो the one who partakes yagna havis 
नमसा विधेम we salute and offer oblations the word विधेम is related to verb vidhaa (विधा) future tense first person plural vidheshyamah विधेष्यामः
ते to you (4th case yusmad युष्मद्)
O Rudra, please do not hurt our shining warriors, you partake yagna havis, we offer salutations and oblations
आरात्ते गोघ्न उत पुरुषघ्ने क्षयद्वीराय सुम्नस्मे ते अस्तु
आरात् far
 गोघ्न killer of animals
पुरुषघ्न killer of men
क्षयद्वीराय afflictions of warriors
सुम्नस् benign attitude
मे  to me (मह्यम्) 
ते (Rudras)
अस्तु be
Forces (Rudras) that afflict our animals, warriors, and men be kept away. You show benign attitude towards me. (Those benign Rudras be near me and other Rudras be away.)
रक्षा च नो अधि च देव ब्रूह्यधा च नः शर्म यच्छ द्विबर्हाः
बर्हम् a peacock feather द्विबर्हाः two collections of feathers शर्म happiness रक्षा  protection अधिब्रूहि talk in our favor 
द्विबर्हाः similar in sense to शमं योः we have seen earlier. Here devotee is talking about शर्म and रक्षा. 
O Rudra, Grant us happiness both here and in heaven. Talk in our favor. 
स्तुहि श्रुतं गर्तसदं युवानं मृगन्न भीममुपहत्नुमुग्रम्
श्रुतं heard by seers in deep meditation
 गर्तसदं  resident in canal around heart
युवानं  ever young
उग्रम्  मृगन् lion like ferociousness
न भीमम् not causing fear
उपहत्नुम्  having killed
स्तुहि  imperative second person active (root word स्तु to extol to praise परस्मैपदि द्वीतीय एकवचन आज्ञ)
You praise me. If you praise me you would show benign attitude towards me and help me in my spiritual advancement.
Seers say Rudra lives in a canal near devotee's heart ever young having killed  the animal anger in me. You, Rudra,  praise me (so that you would not hurt me). Swami Amritananda in his commentary attributes this to one's own speech. That is let my speech praise Him. In Swamiji's opinion one's own speech is being addressed as "you." (second person)
 मृडा जरित्रे रुद्र स्तवानो अन्यन्ते अस्मन्निवपन्तु सेनाः

जरितृ one who would get old or aged (devotee the mortal जर becoming old) 4th dative case (to/for me who is getting aged)
मृडा happiness
तवानः bind me closely to you
अन्यन्त others अन्यन्ते (concerning others 7th case)
अस्मद् having to do with me
सेनाः your warrior Rudras
निवपन् throwing down
Here others refer to what is not mine originally, indicating one's vasanas (tendencies) and any sins arising out of actions associated with the tendencies. 
O Rudra, give me the happiness and hold me closely. But throw down my sins to your warriors to be wiped out.
परिणो रुद्रस्य हेतिः वृणक्तु परि त्वेषस्य दुर्मतिरघायोः
परिण: surrounding 
हेतिः weapons
रुद्रस्य  of Rudra
वृणक्तु having withdrawn from root word वृज्
दुर्मतिः unsound intellect connoting deceitful etc. vasanas of this nature (root word दु)
अघायु malicious अघायोः (of malicious)
त्वेषस्य  of deceitful
परि surround
Withdraw weapons from my surroundings and use them against my bad tendencies.
अव स्थिरा मघवद्भ्य: तनुष्व मीढ्वस्तोकाय तनयाय मृडय
स्थिरा of this earth
तनुष्व तनुषु+अ concerning mortals (jivas)
 मघवद्भ्य: from the ones who reward 
मीढ्व: shower of blessings
अव may
तोकाय तनयाय to our children and to little ones (तोक smaller children, small animals)
मृडय give happiness
From the one who rewards (Rudras plural), may HE (they) provide a shower of blessings and may HE give happiness to our children and our little ones.

मीढुष्टम शिवतम शिवो नः सुमना भव
मीढुष्टम (superlative of मीढ)
शिवतम (peace and calmness and beyond that)
नः for us (towards us)
सुमना  benign and kind mind
 शिव: (the one who provides शं)
greatest shower of blessings beyond peace and tranquility, please keep good tidings towards us.
परमे वृक्ष आयुधन् निधाय कृत्तिं वसान आचर पिनाकं बिभ्रदागहि
निधाय निधा deposit
वृक्ष  kind of weapon
आयुधन् other weapons
परमे at a distance (not here)
कृत्तिं  a birch tree
वसान these shining weapons (this shining thing)
पिनाकं with Pinaka bow symbolizing pranava
 आचर move
 बिभ्रदागहि holding (the weapon) please come : बिभ्रत आगहि  बिभ्रत from  बिभ्र which is a derivative verb from भृ (holding) गा root word meaning go. With affix आ becomes गा come (imperative mood)
Please keep your weapons away on a tree. Holding Pinaka the bow please come (before us)
विकिरद  विलोहित नमस्ते अस्तु भगवः
विकिरद the one who scatters (scatterer) 
 विलोहित deep red (strong rajasic tendencies)
O Bhagavan, you are the scatterer of deep rajasic tendencies (you destroy rajasic tendencies helping jiva find satvic nature). Our salutations to you.

यास्ते सहस्रँ हेतयोन्यमस्मान्निवपन्तु ताः
Please keep thousands of your weapons with others (not mine). 
सहस्राणि सहस्रधा बाहुवोस्तव हेतयः
You have thousands of weapons and hands.
तासामीशानो भगवः पराचीना मुखा कृधि
पराचीना turn away 
कृधि from root word क्रुध् be angry
मुखा face
ईशानः master
O Bhagavan, you are the master of all. Please turn away your angry face.