

On Transcendence of Mind (मनो निवृत्ति:)

सदाशिव समारम्भम् शन्कराचार्य मध्यमम्
अस्मद् आचार्य पर्यन्तम् वन्दे गुरु परम्परम्

Sage Patanjali defines Yoga as stilling of thought waves.
चित्त वृत्ति निरोधः योगः
Sri Krishna in the  Bhagvad-Geeta talks about characteristics of steadfastness. He defines the word "sthitha-prajna" स्तितप्रज्ञ (verses 55-72 chapter 2). This is preceded by a discussion on sharpening of intellect (Buddhi Yoga; बुध्दि योग)

Both Sri Krishna and Sri Patanjali reach the same destination even though the vocabulary they use may be different.

Other masters have used the term समाधि (Samadhi) to mean धियाः समत्वम् (= equanimity in intellect). Here the word धी means intellect. There are some similarities between deep sleep and Samadhi. The Body, Mind, Intellect are withdrawn in both cases, but in deep sleep vasanas are merely suspended. In the state of Samadhi, the vasanas are transcended.

In the Vedic prayer to Lord Ganesha, the Ganesha Atharva Seersha (गणेश अथर्व शीर्षः), the following attributes describe such a state:

  1. त्रिगुणातीतः  Such a being is beyond the three gunas: sattva, rajas, and tamas. He/She is not prone to anger and has no desire for wealth accumulation, no desire for fame, takes limited food, active, works without ego, does not blame others.
  2. अवस्थत्रयातीत: The three types of situations a being may be in: favorable, unfavorable, mixed. Consequently one may be happy, sad, or may be in a combination there of. A person who is in state of मनो निवृत्ति: is beyond the three.
  3. कालत्रयातीत: The three times: past, present, future. One constantly thinks about what occurred in past or is worried about future. Most of us most of the time we either blame someone  about the past or worry about future. One is awake when one is fully in present, but is not lost to present situation but is aware of Lord all the time
  4. कोशातीत or देहातीत: The five Kosas or the three bodies imply the same: physical, mental, intellectual concepts of "me; the body, my mind, my intellect". A person who has realized that I am not the body, the mind or the intellect can live in present completely.

 One important common attribute of such a person is He or She lives in the present  moment whatever the present situation may be. (S)He is awake.

ब्रह्मविद् ब्रह्म एव भवति

ॐ नम शिवाय